培训对象: 具有统计过程控制的经验;具备一定的计算能力;
课程目标: 定义测量系统、理解测量系统变差及其来源; Define measurement systems, understand variations in measurement systems, and their sources 确定测量系统分析的范围、资源、人员需求,制订分析计划; Determine the scope of the measurement system, resources, personnel needs, and develop analysis plans 具备基本的运算能
咨 / 询 / 热 / 线 18898361497
一、基础概念Basic Concepts
测量过程 Measurement process
测量系统 Measurement system
测量过程变差 Measurement process variation
位置变差和宽度变差 Position variation and width variation
测量过程变差来源 Source of variation in measurement process
测量系统变差对决策的影响 The influence of measurement system variation on decision making
标准及可追溯性 Standards and traceability
测量数据的质量 Quality of measurement data
测量系统分析 Measurement system analysis
测量仪器分辨率 Measuring instrument resolution
测量不确定度 Uncertainty of measurement
准确度 Accuracy
偏移 Deviation
稳定性 Stability
线性 Linear
重复性 Repeatability
再现性 Reproducibility
二、测量系统分析的方法 Methods for measuring system analysis
测量系统分析的准备 Preparation of measurement system analysis
测量系统分析的两个阶段 Two stages of measurement system analysis
测量系统分析的方法 Methods for measuring system analysis
计量型 Metering type
偏移 Deviation
稳定性 Stability
重复性 Repeatability
再现性 Reproducibility
计数型 Counting type
小样法 Galley proof method
大样法 Sample method
各种测量系统分析方法软件 Software of measurement system analysis
三、测量系统分析的步骤 The measurement system analysis steps
决定要分析的测量系统 Determine the measurement system to be analyzed
取样,确定测量人员 Sampling to determine Surveyors
确定测量次数 Determine the number of measurements
输入数据到EXCEL表格中Enter data into the EXCEL table
计算结果 Calculation result
分析控制图 Analytical control chart
进行判定和采取相应措施 Make decisions and take appropriate actions
四、案例分析 Case Analysis
偏移 Deviation
稳定性 Stability
重复性 Repeatability
再现性 Reproducibility
计数型 Counting type
小样法 Galley proof method
大样法 Sample method
五、练习 Practice
六、实施测量系统分析的建议 Recommendations for implementing measurement system analysis