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Professional Selling Skill 内训

王群 / 国内知名海归实战型高级双语培训师

课程价格: 具体课酬和讲师商量确定

常驻地: 北京

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咨 / 询 / 热 / 线 18898361497



This two days training course will focus on professional selling techniques, such as how to make opening, how to ask the right question, how to promote the products and how to seal a deal. Professional means it won’t deal with rely on the Chinese “relatio



Morning of day one:

·        How to understand the relationship among Price, Demand & Supply

o   Understand the S-D-P curve

o   Understand the difference between Marketing and Sales, get the right information

·        To be a smart sales: identify human needs and business needs

o   White-board exercise:human needs and business needs

o   How to deal and satisfy the 2 kinds of needs?

·        4 selling skills (opening, questioning, promoting product, seal a deal):

o   Opening skill (3 steps)

§ How to make a professional & effective opening?

§ Participants opening exercise

o   Questioning skill:

§ 3 styles of questioning (open, close, follow up)

§ 3 steps of questioning

§ How to ask the right question?

§ What is called SPIN skill?

§ Participants exercise

12.00 – 13.00(Lunch break)

Afternoon of day one:

o   How to successfully promote your product?

o   Promoting skill (the timing and the skill)

o   Link your product with the customer needs and benefits

o   Develop and find out the needs behind the needs

o   Use SPIN when customer not really keen on your product

o   How to deal when customer misunderstands your product

o   How to deal when customer does not satisfy with your product

o   Participants exercise


Morning of day two:

·        Review the first day training content and Q&A

·        The skill of 3 steps to lead to agreement with customer

o   Highlight the benefits agreed by the customer

o   Make a next step suggestion

o   Verify the customer’s confirmation

o   Participants exercise

·        Consultative selling versus transactional selling

o   What does consultative selling focus on:

§ How to develop loyalty customer?

§ The benefits of loyalty customer

·        Deal with different customer styles - the DISC skill

o   DISC skill exercise


Afternoon of day two:

·        Successful selling needs a unique story

o   Example of the story

o   Exercise: how do we make our own product story?

·        The selling systematic skill-set:

o   What’s the target of selling and negotiation?

o   How to deal with negotiation?

o   Why we can’t get into price negotiation too early?

o   What’s the right timing to start negotiation?

o   KAM – what’s called key account management?

o   How to build up key account database?

·        Summary of the training and Q&A session

上一篇: 销售精英激励与实战技能提升 下一篇:卓越销售自我激励者

